Liberty City Stories: Maps
Liberty City is a pretty big place, and if you've never visited before then it's likely that you'll need a map to find your way around. Luckily for you, there's one in the game box, but if you've lost that then tigerprinz has come to the rescue with a nice, blank map of Liberty City:
Liberty City Map by tigerprinz. Click to enlarge or click here for a zoomable PDF version.
Of course, Liberty City is littered with things to collect, visit and use. chunkubis has created a wealth of maps showing the locations of hidden packages, armour, health, police bribes amongst other things. I've also put up a dedicated hidden packages page to help you understand the benefits of collecting them all.
Hidden Packages
Hidden Packages
Hidden Packages
Armour, Health, Weapons, Bribes
Armour, Health, Weapons, Bribes
Armour, Health, Weapons, Bribes
Odd Jobs, Rampages, Stunts
Odd Jobs, Rampages, Stunts
Odd Jobs, Rampages, Stunts